{query='SELECT a.*,
cs.name as csname, /**类型名称**/
mt.sign, /**货币符号**/
it.name as iname, /**积分名称**/
it.ico as iico, /**积分图标**/
s.name as sname, /**店铺名称**/
ws.count as wscount, /**收藏量**/
(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_cart ct WHERE ct.sid=a.id) as ctcount, /**全站购物车量**/
(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_order od WHERE od.pid=a.id) as odcount /**商品订单数量**/
FROM cp_shop_content AS a
LEFT JOIN cp_money_type AS mt ON a.money = mt.alias /**资金类型**/
LEFT JOIN cp_integral_type AS it ON a.integral = it.id /**积分类型**/
LEFT JOIN cp_sys_wishlist AS ws ON a.id = ws.sid and ws.type='item' /**商品收藏**/
LEFT JOIN cp_shop_class AS cs ON a.cid_s = cs.id /**商品类型**/
LEFT JOIN cp_shop_store AS s ON a.sid = s.id /**店铺信息**/
WHERE a.cid_t=4 and ( a.value1 LIKE '%10017%' or a.value1 LIKE '%10020%' or a.value1 LIKE '%10031%' or a.value1 LIKE '%10005%' or a.value1 LIKE '%10034%' or a.value1 LIKE '%10022%' or a.value1 LIKE '%10021%' ) and a.status=1'}
{order='a.id desc'}